Sunday, June 13, 2010

A quest for contentedness?

Someone has posed an interesting question to me. Is this a quest for Mr Right or is this a quest for contentedness?

I have asked myself this question many many times. Do I feel content with my life the way it is without having a partner? many ways I do. I believe that a lot of the reason that I sabotage the process of being with someone, is that I am afraid that it will upset the apple cart so to speak. I have built a life with my daughter, our 2 cats and our dog that functions pretty darn well. We hit bumps along the way, but to be honest - we are okay.

So what's the problem?
I want more.
I want an adult to share life with...Someone who is interested in what is happening in my life who wants to let me(us) into their life too...who is interested in being with me(and everyone that comes with me) - with all the quirks and charms. Interestingly I don't want someone to share every moment with me. In fact I joke that the ideal is someone who lives next door who can come and stay - or not.

I think in some ways, that is why Facebook is so appealing. It is a way for people to peak into my life and I can peak into theirs - and comment on it.

But.... it feels empty... when I shut the computer off - I feel as if I just ate a huge bar of chocolate, and am left feeling worse than before I took the first bite. The void I was seeking to fill - was actually drained a little bit more...

Can anyone say they feel completely content with every aspect of their lives? Perhaps... but I think that there are a lot of content folks out there who want to tweak a particular area of their life. I would not be completely honest if I said that I am totally at ease with every other part of my life. I am fully aware of this fact. Saying that, I don't think I am searching for Mr Right, to make the rest of my world right.

It's about the journey - not the destination...

I want someone to share the journey with me ... I am not sure what the destination is but I know what it is not... it is not happiness or contentedness because that is something that is found inside of me... now...

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